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MagnifyGroup reviews magnifygroup.com: legit?

MagnifyGroup reviews (magnifygroup.com) review is another scam. Fraudsters adhere to complete anonymity, hide behind someone else's legal data. Considering all the checks, it is strongly discouraged to invest in the MagnifyGroup.

Renerc Oli reviews renercoli.com legit?

Renerc Oli reviews (renercoli.com) review is another scam. Fraudsters adhere to complete anonymity, hide behind someone else's legal data. Considering all the checks, it is strongly discouraged to invest in the Renerc Oli.


  • I was experiencing problems accessing my account with this broker. Their authorization system was unstable and caused technical difficulties.

  • I was dissatisfied with the quality of research materials provided by this broker. They were superficial and uninformative.

  • I felt a discrepancy between the stated services of this broker and the reality. They don’t deliver on their promises or deliver the expected features.

  • 100% sure, and I can say with certainty that they are scammers. I leaked a lot of money, almost a year of my income. They drove me constantly into the red, blocked me, and each time they asked for a replenishment of the deposit for recovery. In general, when I stopped depositing money, they simply disappeared. I will definitely fight to get my money back.

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